FlyDubai flights

flydubai's main destinations are in the Middle East, Central and Southern Africa and Southern, Central and Eastern Europe.

Travellers can look for direct flights to Dubai as well as connecting flights to more distant and exotic destinations such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Maldives, Zanzibar and Oman.

Fares are around 30% cheaper than Emirates. For example, return tickets from Prague to Dubai can be found at 366 eur. Flights to Thailand at 660 eur, Maldives or Sri Lanka at 586 eur.

The cheapest flydubai tickets can be found at, as well as on traditional booking portals. Buy your tickets at least 2-4 months before departure.

When buying on, a card fee of 3% is added to the price and will not appear until just before payment is completed.

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