FlyDubai check-in

If you prefer to check in at the airport counter, you will not have to pay any special fee.

Check-in at the airport

Flydubai allows you to check-in at the airport without any fee.

Check-in counters open normally 2-3 hours before departure.

The latest check-in time is normally 45 minutes before departure.

Online check-in

You can check in online normally 48 hours - 75 minutes before departure.

You can check-in online at or via the mobile app - Google Play / App Store.

If you are unable to check in online, you can check in at the airport without any problems.

Seat selection (seating)

With an economy class ticket, you will pay a fee for selecting a specific seat. This varies according to the length of the route and is between 7 usd and 12 usd.

If you do not want to pay for a specific seat, you will be allocated a random seat for free.

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