Binter Canarias flights

Binter Canarias, ATR72

Tickets can be purchased via the airline's website However, the company also works with other airlines (such as Iberia) and offers connecting flights across Europe.

You can also compare prices with other airlines using the Skyscanner search engine, ideally by clicking directly through to the airline's website.

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When to buy airline tickets

With Binter Canarias, it's ideal to book your ticket around 3 to 4 months before departure for the lowest price.

Prices for return flights between the Canary Islands range from 70 eur to 160 eur and prices to the mainland range from 100 eur to 200 eur.

The most expensive tickets from the Canary Islands to Africa can go up to 300 eur one way.

Fare classes

There is only economy class on Binter Canarias aircraft.

The fare structure is different for flights between the Canary Islands and for international flights or routes from the Canaries to mainland Spain.

Inter-island flights

For all inter-island flights within the Canary Islands or between Madeira and Porto Santo, there are between 5 and 6 fare groups, which differ mainly in terms of flexibility - cancellation and change of ticket.

However, all fares, including the cheapest, include checked baggage, for example.

International and flights to mainland Spain

For other routes, there are always 3 fares available, which vary both in terms of flexibility and the number of checked baggage.

On these flights, there is no checked baggage on the lowest fare.

If you are buying a connecting flight from mainland Spain with a connection in Tenerife or Gran Canaria to another Canary Island, the conditions of the flight from mainland Spain or the international destination apply.

Discounts for Canary Island residents

When booking flights on, all prices are initially quoted at a very low price between €9 and €20. However, these prices are for Canary Island residents only.

All other travellers must first click on "Non-Resident", when the price will increase approximately 3-4 times and then buy the ticket.

Destinations and route map

Binter Canarias have frequent flights between the Canary Islands and Madeira and Porto Santo Island.

Other routes usually only fly 1-3 times a week, except for the Madrid connection which flies 3-4 times a day.

The airline has 2 main bases on the two largest Canary Islands, Tenerife and Gran Canaria, namely the following airports:

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