Bai Sao Beach

Bai Sao Beach, Phu Quoc, Vietnam

On the southern tip of Phu Quoc Island we find one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, Bai Sao Beach, which attracts visitors especially for its fine, white sand and crystal clear water.

Right on the beach, you'll find several restaurants and all the facilities you'll need for a relaxing day out.

The beach is a popular destination for many tourists, so you'd better expect it to be really crowded. Bai Sao is also a great place to take a day trip from the island's capital.

Search for the best accommodation on Phu Quoc

Accommodation on Bai Sao

There isn't a lot of accommodation on Bai Sao beach. If you want to stay nearby, we recommend the cheap Phu Nam House resort with excellent ratings.

Transportation to Bai Sao

There is no public transport to Bai Sao beach, so the best way to get here is by rented scooter, car or one of the local taxis.

What to see around

Discover all the places to see in Phu Quoc.

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