This beautiful, ten-kilometre-long beach lies just a short distance from the city centre, yet offers soft, pliable sand, tropical palm trees and beautiful sea. If you want to swim and enjoy the tranquillity of Da Nang, this beach will be your ideal choice.
The beach is a popular spot where locals go to jog and enjoy some well-deserved sunshine. Sometimes this can make the beach more crowded, but it's still worth it.
The 10 best hotels on My Khe Beach
Accommodation on My Khe Beach
Near My Khe Beach, you'll find budget accommodation as well as luxury resorts. There is something for everyone. We recommend these hotels:
- Cheapest (under 500 000 vnd) - Trang Ngan Hotel byTHG***
- Luxury resorts near the beach - DLG Hotel Danang*****
Transportation to My Khe Beach
You can walk to My Khe beach from the city centre, there are also scooter rides available. However, there is also public transport that goes here:
- Bus - DLG Hotel stop: bus 2 runs from the city centre and the southern beaches.
What to see around
Discover all the places to see in Da Nang.