Taman Sari Water Castle was the site of the royal gardens and a favourite resting area for the Sultan and his family, who still reside in Keraton, 2 km away.

Today, Tamansari is used only by tourists and all its premises are accessible.

In our opinion, this is one of the most beautiful places right in Yogyakarta and we definitely recommend including Taman Sari in your plans.

The 10 best hotels in Yogyakarta

Built between 1755 and 1790, only about a quarter of the buildings remain from the original vast complex of baths and gardens. The rest have suffered the fate of frequent earthquakes.

Most of the spa buildings and gardens have survived.

A visit to Taman Sari will take about 20-30 minutes.

Entrance fees and opening hours

Tamansari is open every day from 9:00-15:00.

Ticket prices are as follows.

  • 25 000 idr - Foreign tourists
  • 15 000 idr - local tourists

Walk through Kampung Taman

Set off to Tamansari ideally on foot from the Sultan's Keraton Palace through the cosy Kampung Taman district.

Walk through the narrow streets with small low houses surrounded by birdcages and street art.

Some alleys are dead-end, others you can weave through for long minutes.

How to get there

The nearest bus stops are:

  • Tejokusuman about 1100 meters
    • Line 3B - Tugu Monument, Condongcatur terminal / from the direction of Giwangan terminal
    • Lines 6A/6B - direction Malioboro Centre / from direction P+R Gamping
    • Line 8 - direction railway station, Jombor terminal
    • Line 9 - direction Jombor terminal / from direction Giwangan terminal
    • Line 10 - towards Malioboro centre / from the direction of P+R Gamping
    • Line 11 - direction Tugu Monument / from direction Giwangan terminal
    • Line 15 - towards Malioboro centre / from the direction of the southern outskirts of the city
  • Jokteng Kulon / SMAN 7 about 800 meters from the entrance
    • Line 3A - direction Giwangan terminal / from direction Malioboro centre
    • Line 3B - Tugu Monument, Condongcatur terminal / from direction Giwangan terminal
    • Line 9 - direction Jombor Terminal / from direction Giwangan Terminal
    • Line 11 - direction Tugu Monument / from direction Giwangan terminal

What to see around

Discover all the places to see in Yogyakarta.

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