Ostřihom is located in central Europe in a temperate climate zone. Thanks to the hilly landscape south of the town, the climate is slightly cooler than in the rest of Hungary, but the temperatures do not differ drastically.
Normal summer temperatures are around 27 °C, while in winter they drop to an average of around 4 °C. Snow is rather rare in Ostrihome, averaging around 7-8 days throughout the winter.
In general, the climate in Ostrihome is not particularly out of the average, so check out our guide to Budapest for a detailed breakdown of temperatures and precipitation.
When to go to Esztergom
No season of the year prevents urban tourism in this small district town.
You can visit Ostřihomí all year round.
In fine spring or summer weather, enjoy strolling through the old town along the Danube riverbank, while during the autumn and winter splashes, take shelter in the museums, monuments or indoor waterpark.