Air Mauritius flights

Air Mauritius

Flights with Air Mauritius via As Air Mauritius also works with other airlines, we also recommend using the seller comparison via search engine, where you can always select by clicking through to the airline's website.

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When to buy tickets and prices

Air Mauritius is one of the relatively expensive airlines. The best prices are usually available 3-4 months before departure.

The airline occasionally offers bargain fares from Europe to the French island of Reunion with a connection at its main airport in Mauritius.

Fare classes

Air Mauritius offers economy and business class on its aircraft.

When you buy economy class tickets, you have a choice of two different fares.

  • Best Deal
  • Economy

The only difference between the fare classes is the option to change or cancel your ticket. All services or baggage allowance is the same for both fares.

Destinations Air Mauritius

The airline operates all its flights from Mauritius MRU airport.

Currently Air Mauritius flies to the following airports:

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