Weather in Gothenburg and best time to go

Gothenburg has an oceanic climate and is strongly influenced by the Gulf Stream. This makes the weather and climate mild and relatively warm despite its northern location. Winters are not usually cold and most days will be rather slightly above freezing. But snow is of course no exception and is intrinsic to Scandinavia. Summers here are colder with average temperatures between 20 and 22 °C.
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Showers here are steady throughout the year, with relatively little rain or snow - anything between 50 and 100 mm per month.
What Gothenburg doesn't escape, however, is the effect of the polar day and polar night. In summer, the sun shines for over 18 hours a day, while in winter there is only 6 hours of daylight per day.
The spring months from April to June are already relatively warm. Temperatures will average around 15°C, reaching 20°C or more during the day and in direct sunlight.
You will enjoy plenty of daylight. There will be 14 hours of daylight in April, 17 hours in May and most of the year in June, when Gothenburg gets 18 hours of daylight a day.
The summer months will also offer hardy people a refreshing dip in the sea. This is because the temperature reaches 18 °C and the air temperature is a brisk 25 °C. Care must be taken to protect against UV rays, which reach their maximum intensity in July.
The sun shines from 17 to 14 hours a day and it gets noticeably cooler as September approaches.
The slightly rainy season offers rather ideal conditions for urban hiking. The sun still shines from 10 hours a day in October to 8 hours in November and outside temperatures stay above 10°C most of the time.
December and January are probably the least suitable months to travel to Gothenburg. At least until you are not going to take night panoramic photos. You will enjoy less than 7 hours of daylight a day. But the temperatures are mostly mild and above zero degrees Celsius.
Table of temperatures during the year
When to go to Gothenburg
Due to the nature of Gothenburg and your destinations, a trip can be recommended at any time of the year.
However, the best months for weather and city hiking are from May to September, when Gothenburg gets plenty of sunshine, the countryside is beautifully green and temperatures reach comfortable levels of around 20°C.
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Aurora Borealis
Gothenburg is not the ideal place to see the Northern Lights. It is highly unlikely, but still possible, to see the Northern Lights in the city. If anything, it can be seen from September to April. The best locations to see the Northern Lights are in the northern part of Sweden.
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