Weather in Malaga and best time to go

Málaga benefits from its location in the Mediterranean subtropical zone, which makes for very mild winters and hot summers ideal for beach holidays. The city enjoys more than 300 days of sunshine a year and only about 50 days when it rains at least part of the day.
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With its coastal location and constant gentle winds from the sea, Málaga and the surrounding area can easily survive the summer heat. Even the humidity is not extreme in summer (averaging around 58%), which means a pleasant climate even in high temperatures.
Average temperatures during the summer stay around 32 °C, while in the coldest winter months they do not drop below 17 °C.
Temperatures in Málaga during the year
Málaga has the advantage that, thanks to its proximity to the calm Mediterranean Sea, temperature extremes rarely occur throughout the year. In summer, temperatures can reach 40 °C at times, but these days are very few and far between. In winter, on the other hand, the temperature never drops below 7 °C at night, and is most often between 17 and 20 °C.
Weather in January
The January weather in Malaga is a magnet for urban hiking, which is the best activity when temperatures are around 19 °C. January is an average month in terms of rainfall and it rains about every third day, usually only in the form of showers.
Weather in February
February in Málaga greets visitors with temperatures in the 20°C range and the onset of spring, when many flowers begin to bloom and the landscape turns from brownish green to lush green. Precipitation in February is similar to January, with showers occurring most frequently every 3rd or 4th day.
Weather in March
By the end of March, spring is in full swing and the streets of Málaga are awash with flower beds. Temperatures reach 21°C and the rainfall is slowly diminishing, but it won't affect your holiday. Small clouds are chasing the sky and the sun will be shining for most of the day.
Weather in April
April in Málaga is typically a spring month. Nature is lush green and saturated with precipitation from the winter, but this decreases significantly in April. Normal daytime temperatures hover around 23°C, inviting exploration of the city and excursions into the surrounding area.
Weather in May
The weather in May is already typically summery for temperate zone residents. Normal temperatures hover around the 26°C mark, the sun shines all day and clouds or rain are rare. During May, the main flowering season of the Jacaranda trees begins, which can be admired, for example, in the central Plaza de la Merced. The sea is still quite cold in May and the maximum water temperature is around 20°C.
Weather in June
June in Málaga is the first typical summer month suitable for swimming. In the second half of the month, the sea water starts to warm up and even the air temperatures regularly exceed 30 °C. There is very little chance of extreme heat in June, so it is still an ideal month for trips to the surrounding area. Rain is rare.
Weather in July
July is the hottest month of the year with average temperatures of around 33 °C and you are 100% sure that not a few drops of rainwater will fall on you. The sea is already beautifully warm and there's nothing in the way of beach fun. Along the coast, the air is cooled by a pleasant breeze, but for trips inland, you're in for a nasty heat wave.
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Weather in August
The weather in August is little different from July. With temperatures over 32°C, August is also the main beach season, with only the odd heat storm popping up here and there (usually 1-2 times a month). Holidays at the seaside are pleasant thanks to the refreshing wind, but the scorching heat hits you when you go inland.
Weather in September
September is still typically a summer month, with temperatures in the low 30s and the sea warming up from the summer. The advantage is that there are noticeably fewer tourists and the climate is a little more pleasant inland, but it is the driest of the year. Rain is quite rare and most days you will enjoy sunny weather.
Weather in October
The October weather in Málaga still beckons for a summer holiday. Average temperatures hover around 26°C, with early October regularly reaching over 30°C. The sea water cools more slowly than the air, so it's nicely warmed up from the summer - the average temperature is about 22°C. Rainfall is more frequent than in summer, but it's mostly just showers occurring about every 4th day.
Weather in November
November temperatures of around 22 °C (72 °F) make it ideal for urban hiking and excursions in the surrounding area. November is statistically the rainiest month of the year, but there is also about 3 times more sunshine than in the same period in temperate climates. Be prepared for heavy showers about every 3rd day.
Weather in December
December in Málaga is the month with the shortest sunshine, which is logical given the times the sun sets after 5pm. Even so, you'll still encounter sunshine during the day on most days of the month, expect showers roughly every 3rd day and temperatures around 20°C.
Sea temperature Málaga
Swimmable water in Málaga is around mid-June to early October, when it consistently stays above 20°C. The sea is at its warmest in July and August with average temperatures just below 25 °C, while it is at its coldest in February and March with temperatures of only around 17 °C.
Table of temperatures during the year
When to go to Malaga
Málaga is more or less a year-round destination. See what activities Málaga has to offer and plan your ideal season to visit accordingly.
For beach holidays and swimming in the sea , the best time is June to the end of September, when you are almost 100% sure of sunny weather, summer temperatures and warm seas.
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If you're heading to Málaga mainly for urban tourism and inland excursions, the best time of year is the rest of the year, especially March to June, when even the inland areas are lush green and temperatures are very travel-friendly.
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