Weather in El Hierro and best time to go

El Hierro has a pleasant climate all year round, with daily high temperatures of around 15-28°C, while sea temperatures range from 19-22°C.
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Specifics of the weather in El Hierro
Hierro is a very sunny and dry island. Clouds and fog usually appear especially in the mountainous areas and on the northern coast of El Hierro, while the south and east are sunny for most of the year.
When does it rain most on El Hierro?
It rains mainly in winter from December to March, but even these months are relatively poor in rainfall.
On average, it rains only 3-4 days out of the month during the winter. In the rest of the year it rains at most 1-2 days a month.
Moreover, the rains here are usually light and do not last more than 2 hours.
When does the sun shine the most in El Hierro?
You can enjoy the most sunshine between May and September.
However, even during the winter it is clear or partly cloudy most of the day, you just have to allow for shorter days.
In winter, it is also a good idea to expect that in mountainous areas there may be occasional (on average 1-3 times a month) longer periods of overcast and fog (even more days in a row).
When is the longest and shortest day?
The shortest days on Hierro are in December and January. The sun rises around 8:00 am and sets around 6:30 pm during this period.
Conversely, the longest days are in June, when the sun rises around 7:00 and sets after 21:00.
Weather and temperatures during the year
Below we give you a more detailed description of the weather on El Hierro by month.
Weather in January
The first month of the year is ideal for hiking and exploring the island. Temperatures are pleasant at around 20°C, the north of the island receives frequent but very light rainfall, while the southern half enjoys sunny weather.
The chances of being caught in prolonged cloud and rain in January, although the highest of the year, are still very low.
There are often very strong winds in the afternoon and at night.
Weather in February
February's weather is very similar to January's.
Pleasant temperatures of around 20°C tempt people to explore the island and the certainty of sunshine, especially on the west coast, invites sunbathing on the beaches.
Clouds appear mainly in the mountainous area in the middle of the island, but overall rainfall is light.
Winds are often very strong in the afternoon and at night.
Weather in March
In March, winter is leaving and with it the chance of rain. From the second half of March onwards, rain is rare.
Temperatures are normally around 22 °C and the weather therefore encourages hiking and exploring the island.
In the afternoon and at night, the wind is often very strong.
Weather in April
April is probably the most beautiful spring month on Hierro. The northern coast in particular is lush green and blooming, but rainfall is sporadic even in this part of the island.
Temperatures regularly rise above 23 °C and often climb above the summer high of 25 °C.
Weather in May
May on Hierro is a quiet month with minimal fluctuations in temperature and rainfall. Average temperatures range between 24 and 26 °C, with rain only rarely and almost exclusively on the north side of the island.
Weather in June
The first month of summer is the start of the holiday season, with normal temperatures between 24 and 26 °C and only very rare rainfall.
Winds pick up on the eastern and northern coasts, creating bigger waves, but the weather is mostly calm in the main beach area in the south of the island.
Weather in July
July is the driest month with the least rainfall. There is usually not a drop of rain this month, the skies are cloudless and temperatures oscillate between 26 and 28°C.
The northeast coast feels cooler with strong winds.
Weather in August
August is the hottest month on the island and, together with July, the ideal month for a beach holiday. The skies are cloudless and rain is rare.
Average daily temperatures rise to around 28 °C.
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Weather in September
September weather in El Hierro is virtually the same as the holiday months. Minimal rainfall, blue skies without a cloud and temperatures between 25 and 27 °C will delight you throughout the month.
September is the peak of strong northeasterly winds, which cause big waves on the eastern and parts of the northern coast.
Weather in October
For the first month of autumn, expect average temperatures of around 25°C, cloudless skies and rain in the south and west of the island, while the north may get the occasional shower.
However, this will certainly not disrupt the programme as there is still very little rain.
Weather in November
Normal November temperatures hover around 22°C and in the southern half of El Hierro, cloudy skies and rain are still a rare occurrence.
The northern part gets brief showers, but overall it only rains on average 3 days a month.
Weather in December
December welcomes visitors with pleasant temperatures of around 20°C, ideal for sunbathing on the beach and hiking in the mountains.
Although statistics show that December is the rainiest month on Hierro, the rain is mainly in the mountainous part of the island and it is more likely to be short showers.
Sea temperature in El Hierro
The Atlantic Ocean that bathes the shores of El Hierro is not the warmest, and it doesn't compare to the warmer Mediterranean. On the other hand, the temperature of the ocean water is similar throughout the year and varies by only a few degrees.
The water is almost the same temperature all along the coast, both in the rainy north and the sunny south.
Expect the warmest water between July and November, when temperatures average between 22 and 23 degrees Celsius.
The coldest water is between January and April, averaging around 19°C.
Table of temperatures during the year
El Hierro - Weather and temperatures during the year
When to go to El Hierro
El Hierro is a year-round destination, especially for residents of Europe and North America. Even during the winter, the weather in El Hierro is ideal for hiking.
The trees do not fall down for the winter, making El Hierro an evergreen island all year round.
If you're heading to Hierro mainly for a dip in the sea, head here between May and September when the sea is at its warmest.
If you prefer hiking, the ideal time is October to May, when it's not too hot for long hikes.
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