2 best parks & nature in Japan

The island of Miyajima (official name Itsukushima) is less than an hour away from Hiroshima. The island is considered sacred (Miyajima translates to holy island) and therefore no blood may be shed on it, no one may be born there, and no one may die or be buried there. According to legend, the goddesses of the sea and storms live on the island. The island of Miyajima has a totally unique atmosphere that will engulf you as soon as you step off…
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Park, City
An old Buddhist centre, you can take a day trip here from Kyoto or Osaka. The symbol of Nara is the sacred deer, which are everywhere and will feed on cookies that you can buy especially for them at the stall. Perhaps because of this, most deer are not shy at all and often take tourists' belongings and eat them. The most popular is paper - especially maps and banknotes. The most famous and most visited place is the Buddhist temple of Todaji.…
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