Metro in Paris


The best and most used means of transport is the Paris Metro.

There are 2 types of rail transport: the classic metro and the RER and Transilien trains, which are mainly used for transport outside the city or for fast connections across the centre.

Book a hotel near a metro station

Metro and RER tickets

There are a large number of tickets available in Paris, which are described in detail in the Transport chapter.

The city is divided into zones, which determine day and multi-day tickets.

  • All-day - always valid only on a given calendar day and not for 24 hours
    • Navigo, zones 1-5 per 12 eur (not valid for travel to any Paris airport)
    • Paris Visite Pass, zones 1-5 for 29,90 eur (valid for airport travel, but not very worthwhile either way. It does, however, provide small discounts on entry to some sights)
  • Weekly - valid only during the calendar week from Monday to Sunday, this is the best value pass for longer stays if you arrive in Paris on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday
    • Navigo, zones 1-5 for 31,60 eur
  • Multi-day - always valid only on the calendar days and not for 48, 72 hours
    • Paris Visite Pass for 2 days, zones 1-5 for 44,45 eur
    • Paris Visite Pass for 3 days, zones 1-5 for 62,30 eur
    • Paris Visite Pass for 5 days, zones 1-5 for 76,25 eur

With the Paris Visite Pass, unlike the Navigo, you get small discounts to some sights and attractions, see the list of them:

If you will not be travelling more than 4-6 times a day, it is rather worthwhile to use individual passes in the form of the so-called Metro-Train-RER Ticket.

  • 2,50 eur for 1 ticket

This ticket is valid for the entire network of metro, Transilien and RER trains throughout the Île-de-France region, i.e. zones 1-5.

The ticket is valid for a maximum of 120 minutes and you can change between metro, train and RER lines as long as you do not leave the pay area. It is therefore not possible, for example, to get off the train, visit a monument and, if there is still a limit of the original 120 minutes left, ride again.

Where to buy a ticket?

There are machines at every metro and RER station that allow you to pay by card and cash, as well as a ticket counter.

All tickets can also be bought on mobile apps:

How to use the ticket

You need the ticket before entering the metro where the automatic turnstiles are located.

  • Paper tickets - insert into the turnstile, wait for the ticket to come out of the second slot and you can go through the turnstile
  • Plastic Navigo cards - you attach them to the purple reader on the turnstile
  • Mobile app - no need to open the app, tickets work by NFC, so you can attach your whole phone to the purple reader

On the metro, tickets are only used to enter the station, while exiting the station is just going through the gates, which open by themselves even without a ticket. The exception is stations located in zone 4, where you have to mark the ticket when exiting.

There are no turnstiles when transferring metro-metro.

On RER and Transilien trains, a ticket, whether paper or mobile, is always used when exiting or changing trains.

Paris Metro

The classic metro is marked with the letter M or the word "Métro" above the station entrance. Just don't be alarmed that occasionally some metro lines run above the surface and outside, but these are on the outskirts of the centre.

Map and metro lines Paris

The metro has a total of 16 lines. You'll find lots of transfer stations where more than 2 lines connect. These are characterized by longer transfers where you have to walk a bit.

However, you don't have to worry about not knowing your way around. The lines are differentiated both by colour and number, so it's a good idea to have a metro map with you at all times.

It is important for you to choose the right platform in the station. Lines are differentiated by destination station and number. One of the secondary reasons to also try taking the metro are its some unique stations and entrances that stand out artistically and architecturally.

The downsides of the metro are frequent overcrowding and a surprisingly slow ride. The metro lines are old and often meander in sharp curves, reducing the speed of the journey.

Interestingly, some of the Paris metro lines run on rubber wheels.

Downloadable metro maps can be found at

The metro lines are divided by colour and number.

Is the Paris metro running 24/7

None of the metro lines run non-stop.

The metro in Paris runs at the same frequency every day.

  • The first trains from the termini - about 5:30 a.m.
  • Last trains from termini - approx. 1:35

The frequency between trains varies between 3 and 6 minutes on weekdays and between 4 and 10 minutes on weekends.

Detailed timetables and connection searches can be found on the website:

Station facilities

The Paris Metro is one of the oldest in the world and the stations are therefore quite cramped and have a historic feel. Very long corridors are common at transfer stations.

Each metro station has a ticket office and ticket machines.

There are also usually vending machines with drinks and sweets on the platforms.

You won't find toilets at metro stations.

If the metro line is fully automated (for example, line 1 or 14), there are always walls with automatic doors between the platform and the train.

Metro trains

Modern fully automated lines have beautiful and spacious metro trains, while the oldest lines have very outdated and very cramped trains.

However, the metro is clean and generally safe.

On some types of old metro, you have to open the doors either by pressing a button or turning a silver handle.

RER and Transilien trains

The second urban rail system is the RER trains, which connect the towns around Paris to the centre, but are also useful for getting around Paris itself.

They also have longer stop spacing, so they can be faster than the conventional metro for getting around the centre.

Generally speaking, lines that are designated as RER start outside Paris, pass through the centre and continue out of the city to the other side.

The RER has a total of 5 lines (marked with the letters A, B, C, D and E and distinguished by colour) and will take you to the more remote parts of the city and to the airport. If you're planning a visit to the Chateau de Versailles, the C line will be your transport of choice.

Transilien trains, then, are trains that start at one of the major Parisian stations and run in only one direction out of town at a time. As a tourist, you will use these routes especially to get to Versailles (lines L and N).

The Transilien are then marked with the letters H, J, K, L, N, P, R and U and usually have dedicated platforms at the stations.

Map of RER and Transilien trains

For complete rail plans in and around Paris (metro, RER, Transilien and trams), visit:

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