3 best museum & galleries in Yogyakarta

Kraton Yogyakarta
Sultan's Palace Keraton

Palace, Museum

Right in the centre of the city you will find the Sultan's Palace Keraton Yogyakarta, often spelled more like Kraton and with the full official name "Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat". Keraton is the de facto city within the city, behind whose walls you will find human dwellings, a market, shops, a mosque and schools. Some of the people who live within Kraton are employees of the Sultan. [btn "10 best hotels in Yogyakarta" https://www.booking…

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Fortress Vredeburg
Benteng Vredeburg

Fortress, Museum

Originally a Dutch colonial fortress, Vredeburg has been transformed from a military facility into the Museum of the Struggle for Independence. The fort was built in 1787 and completely rebuilt after the earthquake of 1867. The name translates as "peace fortress "l which refers to the peaceful coexistence of the Dutch colonial power with the local sultan. [btn "Best hotels near Malioboro" https://www.booking.com/city/id/yogyakarta.en.html?aid…

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Sonobudoyo Museum
Sonobudoyo Museum


The Sonobudoyo Museum is just one of the many museums that Yogyakarta has to offer, but it is one of the most visited in the city. The Sonobudoyo showcases the very rich Javanese history and culture and contains the most valuable and extensive collection of Javanese art after the National Museum in Jakarta. [btn "Book a hotel in Yogyakarta in advance" https://www.booking.com/city/id/yogyakarta.en.html?aid=2380460;label=p-yogyakarta-sonobudoyo]…

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