Just across the river from the modern centre of Bandar Seri Begawan, you'll discover one of Brunei's most famous attractions.

Kampong Ayer is one of many traditional villages built on stilts right in the water. This is one of the reasons why Kampong Ayer is one of the places that earned the nickname "Venice of the East" after the famous Italian city.

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Head here ideally in the early morning or early evening when the sun isn't burning so much. The wooden walkways over the water mostly lack shady spots.

Kampong Ayer is one of the largest water villages and has a population of over 10,000.

What will you see in Kampong Ayer?

Although the village is one of the leading tourist spots, apart from an information centre and one small pottery museum, Kampong Ayer has retained its original character.

A walk along the wooden walkways, which often lead right through backyards and front gardens, will give you a unique opportunity to get a glimpse of life on the water.

Wooden walkways are often very rickety and sometimes even missing some planks, so caution is always in order.

The village of Kampong Ayer continues to develop and in recent years a modern housing estate has been added with larger houses on sturdier concrete stilts.

How to get there

Simple motorboats will take you to Kampong Ayer virtually non-stop from the main waterfront in the centre of town.

Just stand in any spot with access to the water and a ferryman will come to you within a minute with an offer of transport.

The same applies on the way back. Just walk to one of the several docks and you'll be across the river to the city centre in no time.

The price is 1 bnd and is payable in cash only to the ferryman.

Accommodation in a traditional house

To experience the atmosphere in Kampong Ayer to the fullest, book accommodation in a superbly rated Kunyit 7 Lodge.

The guesthouse is located right next to one of the jetties, and you can reach the centre on the other side of the river within a minute by boat.

The room provides traditional but comfortable beds as well as air conditioning.

What to see around

Discover all the places to see in Bandar Seri Begawan.

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