Senegal's largest airport uses only one modern terminal.
The airport building is relatively small and very clear, and you can walk through the whole thing in about 5 minutes.
Security checks are quick and there are no long queues. Expect a queue at immigration on arrival of around 30-45 minutes.
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Transfer between flights
Dakar Blaise Diagne Airport is a regionally important transfer hub for West Africa, mainly thanks to Air Senegal.
We describe the transfer below if you have purchased both flights as part of one booking.
The transfer is very simple.
After exiting the aircraft into the terminal, follow the "Connecting Flights" signs which will take you to a security checkpoint specifically for transiting passengers. This check usually takes 5-10 minutes.
There is no immigration check and you do not need a visa.
Your luggage will be transferred automatically.
Usually the whole transfer procedure takes 10-20 minutes, even with the small size of the terminal.