easyJet check-in


You can check in for your easyJet flight online and at the airport. However, only the first option is free.

Online check-in

Online check-in is very easy with easyJet. All you need is a computer or mobile phone and your travel document details. Head to easyjet.com and print or save your boarding pass to your phone after check-in. You'll mainly need to use a QR code to prove your entry - it must be legible.

You can check in 30 days to 2 hours before departure.

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If you make any changes during this time, such as adding luggage, you must check in again.

Seat selection

You can select your specific seats on the aircraft when you book your ticket, at any time in Manage My Booking or during online check-in.

Seats are charged at different amounts depending on the specific flight and the seat on the aircraft itself. The more expensive seating is at the front of the plane and in the aisles with emergency exits, which have more legroom.

The price for seat selection ranges between 8 eur and 12 eur.

If you don't care where you sit, skip the seat selection and let the system automatically seat you anywhere on the plane for free. Random seat assignments are usually given to groups together - the system will not deliberately seat you.

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