Weather in Cairo and best time to go

Cairo lies in the northeastern tip of Africa, surrounded by the Sahara Desert in the subtropical zone. The climate is hot desert, with more or less summer temperatures all year round, reaching such uncomfortable levels between April and September that it is very unpleasant to be outside.
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Winter temperatures are normally between 20 and 25°C, but can drop below 10°C at night, so you'll definitely enjoy warmer clothes for an evening stroll along the Nile.
In summer, the average temperature is around 34°C, but often the thermometer will read 39-40°C.
Rain is extremely rare in Cairo all year round. This is when wind and sandstorms are more frequent, bringing quantities of sand and dust to the city. In spring, between March and May, the so-called chamsin, a storm bringing hot air, can occasionally occur, with temperatures rising by up to 20°C in two hours.
Temperatures during the year
Winter in Cairo is very pleasant and lasts from November to February. Temperatures range between 20 and 25°C, but pack warmer clothes for evening walks. Temperatures can drop to 15°C during the night.
It rains most (and only) during the winter. That said, January, the rainiest month of the year, has a total rainfall of just 3.5 mm. This can be compared to one heavy shower per hour. The rest of the time the weather is sunny, but the rays are not as strong and the humidity is very pleasant.
In winter, sandstorms occur quite often (3-4 times a month), bringing dust haze to the city. However, it usually doesn't affect your holiday in Cairo in any significant way.
Spring can be a little surprisingly unpleasant in Cairo. By late March to early June, the so-called chamisin, a hot wind that brings soaring temperatures of up to 15°C and large amounts of sand and desert dust, appears.
Typical spring temperatures are between 27 and 30 °C, with little to no rain, but the air is extremely dry and dusty and more sensitive travellers may find it harder to breathe at this time.
Summer is the hottest time of the year. Normal temperatures oscillate between 32 and 36°C, the chametz has gone, so the humidity rises due to Cairo's proximity to the sea, but not to uncomfortable levels.
It never rains in the summer and the vast majority of the time there are sunny clear skies with crisp rays. Summer practically lasts from the end of May until the beginning of October.
Autumn in its purest form does not exist in Cairo. Summer effectively goes straight into winter. The only transitional month would be October, when temperatures hover around 27°C and a few drops of rain (literally) may fall.
Table of temperatures during the year
Cairo - Temperatures during the year
When to go to Cairo
Cairo is a destination purely for urban tourism, hence the relatively clear best time to visit.
The most acceptable weather is from late October to March, when temperatures range between 20 and 27°C, it rarely rains, but it cools down nicely in the evenings when it gets dark early and the temperature drops to 15°C.
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There are occasional sandstorms during this period (3-4 times a month), but they rarely affect the overall weather significantly. The vast majority of the time it is sunny and clear.
The least suitable period is April to June, when Cairo is hit by the chamsin, a hot Saharan wind that brings large amounts of dust into the city. If you don't like the heat, with temperatures around 35°C, avoid the summer as well.
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