What is the cheapest and quickest way to get from Galeao Airport to Rio de Janeiro city centre?
The most straightforward and convenient way is to use taxis or the UBER mobile app. There are also express buses to the airport.
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Taxi / Uber
Only official taxis can run from Galeao Airport, which you pay for at a stand outside the terminal.
You can pay by card or cash, and you don't pay the taxi driver anything.
It is often significantly cheaper to use the Uber mobile app, which can also provide a ride to/from the airport. The UBER car park is approximately 200 metres from Terminal 2 and is clearly signposted.
- Copacabana
- Uber - from 70 brl
- Taxi - from 180 brl
- Centro
- Uber - from 55 brl
- Taxi - from 140 brl
- Tijuca
- Uber - from 90 brl
- Taxi - from 220 brl
- Airport Santos Dumont
- Uber - from 60 brl
- Taxi - from 140 brl
Many bus lines stop right outside Terminal 2.
Express buses
The best option for getting to the city centre are the BRT express buses.
- BRT Special - direction Terminal Gentileza, where there is a transfer to the modern trams of lines 1 and 4 towards Centro
- Price - 15 brl
- Travel time - 50 minutes
- Frequency - 20 minutes
- Last bus from the airport - 23:40
- First bus to the airport - 6:00
- 42 - towards the metro station of green line 2 Vicente de Carvalho and on to the Madureira district
- Price - 9,05 brl (combined bus + metro ticket)
- Travel time - 45 minutes
- Frequency - 10 minutes
- Last bus from the airport - 22:10
- First bus to the airport from Vicente de Carvalho - 4:30pm
- 2918 - direction Barra da Tijuca, terminus Terminal Nuta James (Jardim Oceánico), also stops at Terminal Avlorada
- Price - 24,85 brl
- Travel time - 100 minutes
- Frequency - 90 minutes
- Timetable - expressorecreio.com.br
- LECD71 - direction Leblon beach, station at Praça Antero de Quental (see map)
- Price - 24,85 brl
- Journey time - 100 minutes
- Frequency - 90 minutes
- Timetable - expressorecreio.com.br,
Local buses
There are also other bus routes that stop at the airport, which go to the surrounding neighbourhoods and are not very useful for tourists.