Pelita Air in-flight services

What services can you expect on Pelita Air aircraft?

Entertainment system

Seats on Pelita Air's aircraft are equipped with individual screens.

However, an entertainment system with several movies, music and series is available through the Tripper mobile app (Google Play / App Store), which must be downloaded before departure.

You will then connect to the free "Airlines-Tripper" wifi network on board the aircraft, through which you will be able to access the content of the Tripper app.

Wifi on board

Apart from the aforementioned 'Airlines-Tripper' wifi, which only provides access to the Tripper app with entertainment system, no other network is available.

You will therefore not be able to connect to the regular internet on board Pelita Air aircraft.

In-flight refreshments

Economy Class passengers receive complimentary refreshments on all flights. This usually includes a baguette, muffin/sweets and a selection of soft drinks.

Premium Class passengers receive a free hot meal.

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