Aer Lingus flights

We recommend buying your Aer Lingus tickets directly from Aer Lingus will offer the best departure times to Dublin, but if your priority is the lowest price, it is advisable to compare the price of your ticket with a competing airline, for example on
Airline tickets are offered in several fares, which differ mainly in terms of checked baggage rules or flight change options.
When to buy tickets
For flights within Europe between Ireland and other cities, it is advisable to monitor and buy flights between 2 and 3 months before departure.
Flights within Ireland and between the British Isles are worth looking at a shorter time frame of 1 to 2 months before departure.
For flights across the Atlantic to the United States, the lowest prices tend to be 2 to 4 months before departure.
The British Isles, Western Europe and a fairly extensive network of destinations in North America are the main destinations. Because Aer Lingus is a network carrier, it will offer cheap fares not only between Dublin or Shannon, but also between any combination of destinations served.
Aer Lingus will offer cheap flights to the following cities, for example:
- Frankfurt
- Paris
- Lyon
- Marseille
- Amsterdam
- Vienna
- Prague
- Milan
- Rome
- Madrid
- New York
- Boston
- Chicago
- Toronto
- Also.
The main competitor on European routes is Ryanair.
Route map
The route map provides an overview of the destinations, of which there are currently just under 150.
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