Achadas da Cruz (cable car)

In the village of Achadas da Cruz, there is a cable car on the cliff that takes you a few hundred metres down to the coast and back in a gentle rocking motion for 5 eur.
The original purpose of the cable car, built in 2001, was to facilitate access for farmers owning small houses and fields along the coast, below the cliff, more than 400 metres high and almost perpendicular. Previously, the only way down was by a very steep and winding path.
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After all, the technical characteristics of the cable car speak for themselves. The horizontal length of the cable car is about 441 meters and it overcomes an elevation of 434 meters.
It operates between 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-18:00.
Allow at least 40 minutes in total. At the top station of the cable car you can enjoy the view of the 400-metre high cliffs over the open ocean, and from the bottom station of the cable car you can enjoy the view of the 400-metre high majestic cliffs.
How to get there
From the town of Achadas da Cruz, a winding road about 2 km long leads to the top station of the cable car, marked with the sign "Teleférico". There is also a small free car park here. Achadas da Cruz is a village 10 km from Porto Moniz and 60 km from Funchal.
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