Malaysia's tropical climate ensures year-round temperatures of around 30°C and high humidity. In Kuala Lumpur, you can count on stable weather every day, characterised by clouds, temperatures of 33 °C and occasional showers.
In KL, the sun can shine in an azure sky and within 10 minutes it will be covered with black clouds and very heavy rain. In another 10 minutes it is mostly over.
If you watch the weather forecast, thunderstorms will always jump out at you. Don't be alarmed, storm days are constantly reported by the dewdrops for 365 days a year and in reality the weather is sunny, cloudy at best.
Table of temperatures during the year
Kuala Lumpur - It's going to be hot and muggy
When to go to Kuala Lumpur
Head to Kuala Lumpur anytime if you have a way around. Even the occasional rain doesn't bother the city's tourists and you can take shelter in a restaurant, café or shopping centre.
Avoid Chinese New Year and Ramadan.