Beauvais Airport operates from 2 terminals. They are not directly connected, but you can walk between them in 1 minute (distance approx. 50 metres) on the pavement (public area only).
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The terminals are not divided according to any clear key. Both terminals handle flights to Schengen and non-Schengen and all airlines use both terminals.
The terminal will always be marked on the ticket and even if you can't find this marking, there is no need to be nervous.
Indeed, the buildings are so close to each other that even if you miss the right one the first time, you can easily correct the mistake within 5 minutes with a short walk on the sidewalk.
Transfer between flights
Beauvais is operated exclusively by low-cost airlines, so transfers will always be non-guaranteed, i.e. you'll be on your own from two different tickets.
When connecting, even within a single terminal, you always have to go outside, check in again and go through security back to the transit area.
Realistic transfer time without checked baggage will be about 20-45 minutes depending on the security line. However, we definitely do not recommend leaving less than 2-3 hours between flights.