Jazeera Airways in-flight services

What services can I expect during my flight and transfer with Jazeera Airways?
Refreshments on board
All food on board is pay-only.
However, the selection is quite wide and you can purchase sandwiches, sweets and hot food.
You can order snacks in advance at jazeeraairways.com/jazeeracafe or in-flight.
Entertainment system
Jazeera Airways aircraft are not equipped with individual screens.
The entertainment system can be accessed through the Jazeera Screens wi-fi portal where you can watch it on your own mobile, laptop or tablet. You'll discover dozens of movies, TV shows and music.
The wi-fi portal is only for accessing the Jazeera Screens entertainment system and not for accessing the regular internet.
Wifi and Internet
Jazeera Airways does not currently offer in-flight internet connectivity.
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