Eznis Airways flights

Eznis Airways A330

The easiest way to buy tickets with Eznis Airways is to visit the airline's official website eznis.com. However, we always recommend that you also compare flights with competing airlines, e.g. skyscanner.com.


Eznis Airways offers the option to purchase tickets on five different fares, which vary in baggage allowance and options for date or name changes and cancellations.

Tariff Hand baggage allowance Checked baggage Change of date/name Flight cancellation
EZ Bird 8 kg for a fee Not available not available
EZ Deal 8 kg 15 kg 50 usd not available
EZ Flex 8 kg 20 kg 50 usd 100 usd
EZ Plus 8 kg 2x 25 kg 50 usd 50 usd
EZ Boss 8 kg 3x 25 kg Free Free

These amounts represent the change fee. Any difference in ticket price will always be charged.


Eznis Airways currently operates a single scheduled service from Ulaanbaatar to Prague. There are also plans to resume flights to Hong Kong, Busan and Chongju.

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