Copa Airlines baggage

Copa Airlines

The number, size and weight of baggage allowed always depends on the fare purchased. However, you can always carry two pieces of hand luggage at no extra charge.

Hand baggage

All passengers can take 2 hand luggage on board free of charge. One standard cabin bag of 56 x 36 x 25 cm and one personal item of 43 x 25 x 22 cm.

The maximum weight of hand luggage allowed is 10 kg.

Detailed information on hand luggage can be found on

Checked baggage

Checked baggage is not included in the cheapest fare Economy Basic.

The Economy Classic fare includes 1 piece of checked baggage up to 23 kg and Business Class includes 2 pieces of 32 kg each.

If you want to travel with checked-in baggage, it is always worth buying the more expensive Economy Classic fare straight away.

Overweight charges

If you arrive at the airport with luggage weighing more than 23 kg, you will not avoid the fee 100 usd.

Detailed information on checked baggage can be found at

Baggage for children

If you are travelling with a child under 2 years of age, you can only take a pushchair on board free of charge (it will be taken from you before boarding and given to you as soon as you leave the aircraft) or a hand luggage of 56 x 36 x 25 cm.

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