Levada do Risco

The Levada do Risco is the shortest and most popular levada in the Rabaçal area and leads from the refreshment hut to the local largest waterfalls, Risco. While they are by no means watery, they effectively fall in two cascades from the rock, exceeding 100 metres over a very short distance.
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If you were to head in the opposite direction from the grove to Risco Falls, you'll find that the levee to Risco continues there as well. After all, this is the direction (south shore) that the levee brings water.
The most interesting feature of this section is the tunnel cut under the Rabaçal saddle, which is more than 800 metres long and can be passed through. It is comfortably high (about 2.5 metres) and can be avoided by two people. However, a headlamp or torch is essential, the tunnel is not illuminated! At the other end, after a kilometre, you will reach another car park.
The Levada is wide in the section from the grove to the waterfalls and without significant elevation gain, everyone should be able to make the journey.
Entrance to the trail is paid and costs 3 eur and must be booked online at simplifica.madeira.gov.pt.
The information is only valid for the section from the grove to the falls:
- Distance - 1.9 km one way
- Time - approx. 40 minutes there + 40 minutes back
- Difficulty - easy
- Route map
The section from the parking lot to the very beginning of the route, which is on an asphalt road, must be included. It is 2 km one way and the elevation gain is 300 metres.
However, it is possible to use the shuttle minibus for 5 eur one way or 8 eur return, which runs about twice an hour. Payment can only be made in cash.
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