Weather in Antigua and Barbuda and best time to go

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda is located in the Caribbean, a tropical climate with alternating rainy and dry seasons. However, even during the dry months it often showers, but usually only for a few minutes a day, so a relaxing holiday is not particularly affected by these rains.

Temperatures are summer all year round and the differences between winter and summer are minimal. The average daily temperatures vary between 28 °C and 31 °C throughout the year.

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The dry season is between December and April, with the hurricane season and peak rainfall between August and mid-October.

What are the best months to visit?

Consistent weather with the least rainfall and most comfortable temperatures between 26 and 28°C prevails from December to April. During this period it showers on average once a day, usually in the evening or at night. The rain can be very heavy and start without warning. However, it usually lasts between 2 and 10 minutes.

In addition, it rarely rains all over the island, but only in narrow, circumscribed bands.

When is the rainy season in Antigua and Barbuda?

The heaviest rains come in early August and the wet season ends at the end of November. During these months it can rain up to several times a day, but usually these are still only short heavy thunderstorms lasting up to 30 minutes.

All-day overcast skies are definitely more frequent than in winter, but even so they are relatively few: 2-3 times a month on average.

Are there hurricanes in Antigua and Barbuda?

Yes, the archipelago is in a hurricane zone.

The hurricane season runs from August to November, with the most hurricanes statistically occurring in September and October. On average, a hurricane hits Antigua and Barbuda once a year and is very difficult to predict for more than a week in advance.

There are years when no hurricane hits the islands, on the contrary there are years when 3 hurricanes occur.

In addition to hurricanes, there are also strong tropical storms during this period, which may not cause as much damage, but can affect holidays for up to 3 days at a time.

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Weather and temperatures throughout the year

This is what the weather in Antigua and Barbuda looks like during the different months of the year.

Weather in January

January weather is very good for visiting the islands. Temperatures hover around 28°C, it rains on average once every 2 days, but only in the form of very brief showers.

There are rarely any clear skies, and it is mostly almost clear or partly cloudy, which is very pleasant for being outdoors and on the beaches.

The sea water is around 26°C.

Weather in February

February is statistically the least rainy month of the year. It rains only every 3rd day, usually for a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes at night. Average temperatures stay at 28 °C, while the water in the sea is the coldest of the year, dropping to around 24 °C.

The weather is almost clear for most of the day with a few photogenic clouds.

Weather in March

March is also one of the driest months of the year with the most hours of sunshine. Temperatures rise slightly to 29 °C and there are very few clouds in the sky.

Combined with mostly calm and warm seas (26 °C), March offers some of the best snorkelling conditions of the year.

Weather in April

April can still be classified as a high season month. The rainfall is at a similar level to winter, the rain may be a little more intense but it still showers for 10 minutes every 2nd and 3rd day or so.

The humidity is rising slightly, which combined with temperatures of around 29°C makes conditions for being outdoors less pleasant than in winter, but the weather is still more or less relaxed and ideal for swimming and snorkelling.

Weather in May

May marks the start of the shoulder season and the transition period between dry and wet. Temperatures rise to an average of 30°C and although it still rains more or less as little as in winter, there are more clouds in the sky and the humidity rises.

The sea temperature is holding at 26 °C, so the water is pleasantly cool.

In general, May is also quite a good month to visit. The muggy weather makes up for the lower accommodation and car rental prices than in winter.

Weather in June

June is considered the last good month for hiking before the wet season.

The weather is very similar to May with temperatures around 30°C and high humidity. However, the sea still does not manage to overheat to similar temperatures, so the 26°C water cools down pleasantly.

June is a rather below-average month for rainfall, with mostly partly cloudy skies, so it only rains briefly in the evening or at night.

Weather in July

July's weather is becoming uncomfortably muggy. Temperatures soar to 31°C and humidity rises significantly.

Storm clouds chase each other across the sky and although it doesn't rain every day, on average 4-5 times a month a strong tropical storm can occur, especially in the evening.

However, the sea water is still cooler than the air, so temperatures of around 25°C are pleasantly refreshing.

Weather in August

Hurricane season begins during August. Daytime temperatures reach 31 °C and the humidity is very high, causing a sultry climate and frequent afternoon and evening thunderstorms.

However, there are rarely any clouds and the storms are replaced by partly cloudy skies.

On average, a hurricane occurs once every 3 years in August.

Weather in September

September is the hottest month of the year with the greatest risk of hurricanes, which occur on average once a year.

Temperatures soar up to 32°C, humidity is high and being outdoors is not at all pleasant. Even the sea water, which reaches temperatures of up to 29 °C, is not very refreshing.

Weather in October

October is not one of the best months to travel around Antigua and Barbuda. The high temperatures (around 31 °C) and humidity are not conducive to being outdoors. Severe afternoon thunderstorms occur every 2nd day and there is a risk of hurricanes during October.

The sea water is around 28 °C.

Weather in November

November is the last month of the rainy season and the increased risk of hurricanes.

Temperatures slowly drop to between 29 and 30 °C, but the humidity is still high, making it uncomfortable to be outside.

Rain often comes in the form of heavy afternoon thunderstorms that can last for several tens of minutes. Hurricanes are less frequent on average than in September or October, but the risk remains.

Weather in December

The weather changes dramatically during December. The humidity decreases as do the temperatures, which normally reach 28 °C.

Showers decrease significantly compared to November, but heavy downpours still occur on average every other day. However, the duration of the rain does not exceed 30 minutes.

The sea is heated to 27 °C.

Table of temperatures during the year

Antigua and Barbuda - Temperatures do not vary within the country

28 °C
26 °C
28 °C
24 °C
28 °C
26 °C
29 °C
26 °C
30 °C
26 °C
30 °C
26 °C
30 °C
25 °C
31 °C
28 °C
31 °C
29 °C
30 °C
29 °C
29 °C
28 °C
28 °C
27 °C

When to go to Antigua and Barbuda

The best time to visit Antigua is from December to March, when the dry season prevails.

Temperatures hover around 28°C, rainfall is relatively frequent but not more than a few minutes a day, and the air is complemented by a pleasant breeze. In addition, in Antigua and Barbuda it rains mainly in the late evening or at night in the winter, so you are virtually unaffected by rain.

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However, you can travel to the islands all year round. From April to June, the rain is still very brief and tends to fall in the evenings, but the humidity and temperatures increase, so the overall weather is sultry.

The least suitable period is from August to November, when severe storms are frequent and there is the risk of a hurricane on average once a year. In between, however, there are partly cloudy skies and prices for services are also significantly lower during this period.

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