About us

Travel guides written by real travellers.

Our Vision

We enjoy bringing out the adventurer in people

We believe that living a remarkable life full of unforgettable stories is much more than just sailing through it unnoticed. To encounter foreign cultures, to discover the wild beauty of our planet, to know ourselves - this is the desire hidden in all of us.

Through what we do, we want to enable anyone with the heart of an adventurer to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Inexpensively, meaningfully, and returning with pockets full of experiences worth sharing - wherever they await us.

Our story

From the heart of Europe to the world

Our story began in 2012. That is when David decided to share his knowledge of aviation and finding cheap flights with other travelers through a travel blog.

He started Cestujlevne.com in the Czech Republic, a small country in the heart of Europe.

Within a few years, the small travel blog became an expert portal quoted by many media outlets. Tips on cheap flights were complemented by comprehensive and practical guides to airports, airlines and later countries and destinations.

Thousands of pages with unique travel content were created and the portal is now by far the most read travel website in the Czech Republic.

Ten years later, the idea came up - to pass on travel experiences to adventurers from other parts of the world. And so Cestee was born.

By gradually translating and updating the content, Cestee.com and soon other language versions were created.

Our team

Faces behind Cestee

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David Eiselt

founder and ceo

302 flights49 visited countries

Hi, my name is David Eiselt and I am the founder of Cestee. I love aviation and already during my studies I worked as a steward at an airline, as a baggage handler or as a security checker at Prague airport.
I graduated from school with a degree in aviation and got an engineering degree.
I like to travel to Southeast Asia and take short trips to European capitals.

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Jan Sramek

back-end master

27 visited countries

Honza is in charge in the back-end. He`s in charge of the innards of zeros and ones, manages the databases and programming the functionality of the site. Thanks to his popularity of skydiving, Honza has more takeoffs to his credit than he has landings.

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Tomas Brzek

front-end master

97 flights36 visited countries

Tomas` area is the front-end. He`s making sure that the jumble of zeros and ones translates into into a pleasing graphic form. You can discover Tomas` attention to detail on every page.

Krystof Hajek


540 flights73 visited countries

Krystof built the foundations of today`s largest travel databases in a few weeks of airports and airlines. Flying is a hobby for Christopher. You won`t find another person who who packs up in the morning, flies south and comes back from the north in the evening.

And a hundred others. To create our guides, we have worked with local expats and adventurers who have spent enough time in the place to be able to give trusted advice to other travellers who are just starting their journey.

Our content

What you will find on the site

Airline guides

Check baggage limits, check-in options, flight route map or read flight reviews. Find it all in our airline guides.

Airport guides

Get tips on the best transport to the city centre, luggage storage or airport lounges. We have landed at hundreds of airports and these are our airport guides.

Our methods

How our content is created

We are aware that today is time and the internet is full of information and everything has already been written. What humans did not have time to write, artificial intelligence has written. Despite this, we are constantly personally writing and creating amazing guides that help hundreds and thousands of travelers every day.

How is this possible?

Our content is created with an eye for detail. We are travelers. We have traveled to countless places, and for all of them, we have done our research beforehand and sought out the information that we now write ourselves. We know that most content on the internet is outdated, incomplete and scattered across dozens of sites of varying quality.

We decided to put things in order. We write the guides according to the standards we set, and each one must answer every possible question travelers might ask before a trip.

All in one place, in one format, and in a uniform outline.

We write based on our own experience. We have visited individual places personally or have been provided with background information by other travelers who have traveled to the places and we have edited the content.

In addition, we constantly update the content and add links to the official websites of transport companies, airlines, museums or other sights and attractions.

We are transparent. That is why we write publicly about how we make money. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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