Edward VII Park.

Edward VII Park

A natural extension and grassed extension of the main Avenida de Liberdade is the Eduardo VII Park with the adjacent Amalia Rodrigues Garden.

View hotels in Lisbon

If you have time, come here to relax and enjoy the beautiful view of the city centre with the huge Portuguese flag in the foreground. Head to the park from the monumental Marques de Pombal Square.

The park also includes the Estufa Fría Botanical Garden, housed in a large greenhouse. It is open daily except Mondays from 10:00 to 19:00 (until 17:00 in winter) and you have to pay to enter 3,25 eur, see the official website: informaoeseservicos.lisboa.pt

What to see around

Discover all the places to see in Lisbon.

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